Guest Posting Services

High-Quality Guest Posting Services

Why Guest Posting Become So Popular?

Guest Posting on quality websites or blogs at present is the most famous link building method. Because of lots of spam in web directories, forums, comments, Google introduced the no-follow tag and also degraded most of the directories, forums, comment sites and it become the reason for the popularity of guest posting services.

Guest Posting in initial days

In starting, guest posting was not as difficult as now because almost all the top quality blogs were accepting the guest post but again google started penalties on guest post articles so most of the blogs restricted the guest post-approval.

Guest Posting At present

Finding quality sites for guest posts is a time-consuming process and then approaching them for guest posts requires patience so, at present choose guest posting service wisely. Do not go for cheap guest posting services, which means when you do not know where your link will be placed or will be placed on low authority sites where getting a link is so easy.

What parameters to keep in mind while choosing guest posting services 

Domain authority :

Domain rating :

Citation flow :

Trust Flow :

Organic Traffic :

C – Class IP :

Google Indexing:

Private blogging networks (PBN):

Manual Custom Approach :

Guest posting Services Guide

Guest posting is a great way to get your brand in front of the right people, reach potential customers and build relationships with bloggers.

But finding guest posting opportunities can be a challenge. And if you don’t know what you’re looking for, it’s easy to miss out on a lot of great opportunities.

I personally recommend guest posting services because if it is done rightly it can provide you boost in organic rankings in Google.

Guest Posting is one of the most popular link building method as it is confirmed by SEMRUSH, when they conducted a survey on  850 SEO and digital specialists , they found that it ranks no 1 among all link building methods.

To help you find the best guest posting opportunities, I’ve put together a list of the top places to find them:

Guest Posting Services Can further be divided into two categories

Free Guest Post Services –

Free Guest post sites requires exceptional quality content to publish on their sites. You can search any niche on google like for technology related sites you will write “Free tech Guest Post sites”. Similarly you can search any niche!

Paid Guest Post Services – 

  1. Guest posting by Yourself  –  Guest Posting Marketplaces, Contacting individual bloggers.
  2. Hiring Guest Posting agencies –  e.g Blogging Outreach agencies, hiring guest posting experts !

Guest posting Services via Yourself

Guest Post Marketplace :

You can easily find guest posts based on your preferences and parameters like Domain authority, Page Authority, Domain rating, Spam Score, Ahref traffic, SEMrush traffic and other quality signals. After selecting a site , you can self write the post or the publisher will write the post for you but will charge extra. Some of these marketplaces also provide content services inbuilt.

A ) Some of the famous and trusted GuestPlace markelplaces are : 

Fiverr –

Fiverr is a famous marketplace where you can buy and sell your skills.Here people can find creative individuals to help them with a range of tasks. From finding a voice actor for a movie project to doing some quick repairs, fiverr has something for everyone. So you can easily find many guest post related services on their search engine.

Write –  Keyword + Guest Post

or Directory Go there


Adsy is a famous marketplace for guest posts. You need to sign up for an Adsy membership to have access to a wide variety of guest blogging sites maintained by opt-in publishers. They also offer many services under the tag additional services like content writing, content distribution, content syndication, press release etc. Price starts  from $14


The main thing i like about this site is it does not require a registration. You can visit all the categories without login. There is also advance search option which includes and tag search option. Suppose i have to search posts related to digital marketing than there is a tag for “digital marketing“.

You can check this page Guest Post Marketplace

where i have listed all the websites which offer guest post services.

B ) Contacting Individual Bloggers and site owners

You can search bloggers in your niche in blogging directories and on Google by “your niche + blogs”.The blogosphere is a great place to find guest posts, and the process of finding them is not as difficult as you might think. Here are a few tips to help you find bloggers in your category:

  • Search for bloggers who are popular in your niche – When looking for guest posts, it’s important to focus on topics that you want to rank for and also meets the criterion of that blog. This will give you a good starting point for finding content that would be perfect for your blog post.
  • Try using social media platforms such as Twitter, Facebook and Linkedin to search for guest posts –  These platforms allow you to share information about your topic with a large audience quickly, which will help you connect with potential talent bloggers whom may be interested for your blog post.
  • 3. Check out news sites and blogs that are related to your topic –

Guest posting Services via Hiring Agencies

C) Blogging Outreach agencies –

When you’re looking for an outreach agency, it’s important to make sure they have the right qualifications. You can be assured that they are experienced enough to understand what it takes to get you the results you want.

These outreach agencies will outreach to bloggers on your behalf. Based on your requirements like DA=20-30 OR DA=40-50, They will offer you various packages which you can select and they will do the rest.

On Web, You will find many blogger outreach agencies which are offering these services. Some famous are listed here :

OutreachMonks –

Outreach Monks is link-building firm that was founded in 2017 and has since provided strategic and long-term solutions to over 2,000 businesses and organisations throughout the world. In doing so, they aid companies all around the world in improving their search engine visibility and resulting website traffic.

OutreachMama – 

The services offered by OutreachMama include high quality backlinks, tailored blogger outreach, and in-depth articles.

Find here the complete list of blogging outreach agencies :

D ) Guest Posting Experts ( Freelancers)

Who are guest posting experts – 

Guest post experts are those who have lots of experience in guest posting and have lots of links with bloggers. Y0u can find them on Google by typing

“Guest Post experts”


“Link Building experts” or “blogger outreach experts”

You will easily find them on Fiverr, Upwork and other freelancing sites.

How to Write a Successful Guest Post

Guest posts are a great way to spread your brand and make it known. However, they can also be a challenge to write well.  I love these tips that I discovered when creating my own blog that have really helped me to write posts better and more consistently.

1. Get simple in your post – You don’t want to go crazy with too much text because you’ll lose your reader. If you do start blogging, remember to keep it short and sweet. Don’t get lost in the weeds of a lot of details, especially if it isn’t necessary for the topic of your article.

2. Create some hooks in your post – For this, you need to make sure that your first post has a hook; or if it isn’t a hook, then provide a reason why the reader should read on further.

3. Use Quora  –

Quora is a question and answer site that allows its users to ask questions and get answers. It is a great way of getting knowledge about the world around us. It has over 100 million active users, with more than 1 billion questions answered every month.

4.Use Original Visuals

Use of original images will help you to attract more people to your content, and thus increase its reach and revenue.

Do’s And Don’ts of Guest Posting


1) Find the right topic for your guest posting.

2) Find the best content to write about it (i.e., be creative).


  • Don’t just copy other people’s content – if you do, then there will be no originality in your work as well as no value added to it.
  • Instead of guest posting just to build links, think about contributing useful content.That’s not how things are going to go!
  • Don’t forget to promote your guest blogs and answer to comments you get.

Guest Posting Process

Checking Quality parameters of a targeted website for a guest post.

Creat a quality content.

Outreach to bloggers.

Submit and Get Published.

Any Doubts ! Write in comments

I also offer Natural White hat Guest Posting Services or Niche Edit services. If any queries you can contact me.

Check My approach on finding quality guest post